Number Four: Connection

YES! We can proudly say: Hello, number Four! So nice that you are finally here for us all to read and discover…

You might be connected with us on social media, and maybe latching onto the fact that we were very busy with publishing our fourth TCHI magazine – (in that case, thanks for keeping up with us!). You also might be expecting the fresh and colour popping cover we have published our first three magazines in.

Now we have chosen to tone it down and to go all black. Don’t mistake this TCHI Mag. for being a sombre or dark edition. In fact… we are always seeking ways to blow minds and senses! You’ll already see from the first page inside, the vivid colour explosions. Besides a real treat for the eyes number four is also brain candy, because it goes a lot deeper into interpersonal connections, consumer-brand relationships, engaging retail experiences and the link between our earthly roots and (digital) future and more edgy themes. So feel free to connect with the crispy articles inside, with how we see the world and the inspiration that calibrates our minds.

Hello, Number Four!

It has been two years since the release of our last magazine, number three.
We never set out to make an annual release, we simply want to share things that interest and inspire us. Now feels just right to launch a new edition. Over the last period we have been really busy with in-credible projects for clients, while at the same time focusing on further clarifying and strengthening Tchai’s vision and purpose.

We believe in creating more genuine connections between people and brands. Finding our ‘why’ is one thing, implementing it into our operations is another. To define what it means for each and every one of us in our daily work, that’s the process we are in right now. Instead of merely focusing on sales targets, we believe in balancing corporate performance with personal development and personal growth. Once you truly connect to yourself, you clear the way to a much deeper engagement with others. Whether it is colleagues, clients or anyone else.

Once people start to grow everything else will follow, that is my deepest conviction. I see it around me every day. By focusing on the human perspective, we have been doing great things business-wise, connecting well-being with operational excellence.

Until now we have built up every magazine around a central theme. It did not take us long to come up with a main topic for number four: connection. Connection in the widest sense is what drives us.

Bringing people and brands together in the most physical way possible, addressing all senses in real-life brand experiences. Helping brands to really relate to their core values, their roots and distinctive identity. Bonding people with people, linking the right professionals to create the best team for every project.

And for each of us individually: finding a way to connect to ourselves. I believe I have done just that. Exploring, recognizing and accepting who I am. Not just acknowledging my weaknesses and embracing my strengths but learning to understand and embody all the different sides of myself and balancing them out. Running Tchai in a way that brings out the best in everybody.

All this focus on connecting the dots, personally and professionally, has certainly led to the most amazing magazine we have made so far! We have gathered so many great stories and visuals, all bound by the central theme of connection. Not all articles are cheerful, but there is a lot of food for thought for you to chew on. Like the report on the rise of artifi cial intelligence and how human flaws might well be our rescue (page 55). For a more uplifting feature, simply read the article about The World Piece (page 31) and say goodbye to the cynic in you. Here are 61 alluring and diverse human beings being connected by one single tattoo!

And that is just two of our stories, I love them all. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have and I hope to connect to you soon in real-life.

Take care,

Kim Tchai

PS: You can discover TCHI Magazine Number Four digitally. Read it here +

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