Number Two: Green

So here it is, #2. Thank you for all the kind words, mails and messages about our first issue. We were somewhat surprised that an old-school paper magazine packed with the things we love could receive such applause. It made us very determined to make this second release even more inspiring.

Finding a main theme wasn’t hard. After the urban focus of #1 we feel it’s nature’s turn to take the spotlight. We went all out to make this magazine ‘green’ in the broadest sense of the word. The cover, for instance, might not be green in colour, but it’s printed with organic ink made from beetroot. Obviously everything else is also printed with biological ink, but we’ve used other really cool natural materials as well. Some of the paper is made from superfluous water plants by students from the Design Academy in Eindhoven.

It’s really amazing how many inspiring green initiatives there are out there. Please take the time to read about some of them in this magazine. Start with the article ‘50 Shades of Green’ as it introduces all others.

When it comes to doing business with a green state of mind, many companies are still a bit intimidated by the heaviness of sustainability and everything that’s associated with it. We say: everything you do matters, no matter how small.

At Tchai there is a lot more we can do to reduce our impact on the environment but that doesn’t stop us from already separating our waste and following an ambitious five-year plan to become substantially more sustainable.

Every journey starts with the first step and right now that step might just be reading this magazine and feeling encouraged to become a little more green. Today, tomorrow, whenever is right for you. The planet will love you for it.

Take care,

Kim Tchai

PS: You can discover TCHI Magazine Number Two digitally. Read it here +

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