Our design team is always on the hunt for inspiration, constantly seeking out the latest trends and materials while placing a strong emphasis on sustainability. It’s with this ethos in mind that we embarked on a visit to the Material District Fair in Utrecht.
The world of circulair materials
Last week, our design team delved into the world of circular materials and their diverse applications at the Material District Fair. Our constant endeavor at Tchai is to integrate the newest trends, materials, store designs, colors, and more into our work, ensuring our retail designs are always at the forefront of innovation.
Amidst the myriad of exhibits, some notable highlights stood out, including the innovative utilization of waste as a resource, the incorporation of recycled filament, and the exploration of bio-based materials. These exhibits not only showcased cutting-edge design but also underscored the importance of sustainability in modern design practices.
Materials, materials and more materials
During our visit to the fair, we were captivated by the sheer variety of materials on display. One standout was the seemingly metallic plates, which upon closer inspection, were revealed to be crafted from plastic. Through the application of a metallic spray, these plates achieved a striking metal-like appearance, showcasing the ingenuity and versatility of modern materials.

3D printing
Another area that caught our attention was the realm of 3D printing. We were particularly intrigued by the recent advancements in this field and their potential to revolutionize product circularity. Witnessing products being shredded into smaller pieces for reuse as 3D printing material highlighted the circularity and sustainability of the process. Additionally, we observed 3D printing with a robotic arm, which offers significant advantages by eliminating the need for supports and promoting a more sustainable approach to manufacturing.

Our visit to the Material District Fair was not just an exploration of materials and technology but also a journey of inspiration and innovation. As we reflect on our experience, we’re excited to incorporate these insights into our future design projects, ensuring that Tchai remains at the forefront of sustainable and innovative design.